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   Dan Ohlerking
   July 30, 2022

At Children’s Cup, we not only focus on meeting the physical needs of children all around the world, but we also have a vision to give them hope, inspire their dreams, and see them CHANGE THEIR WORLD.

That’s why, across all 50+ of our CarePoints in dozens of countries around the world, Children’s Cup participated in SERVE Day. Our teams not only served their local communities - but empowered the CHILDREN to discover their purpose and make a difference, too.

With the help of their leaders, the children at each of our CarePoints got to help create and do their own #SERVEday22 outreach project.

In Mexico, they chose to collect toys and clothing for families in need.

In South Africa, we had a Socks and Soup day for elderly neighbors.

In the Dominican Republic, the children told our team that they wanted to help make their church 'more beautiful' so they worked together to paint it full of bright colors!

And in Honduras, they decided to bless local seniors with food, personal items, and prayer.

In Mexico, they chose to collect toys and clothing for families in need.

"The elderly neighbors were so blessed because they have no one - and to have children reaching out and laying hands on them and expressing the love of God left many of them weeping." ~Ps. Danny Dyer

We are so proud of these children and how they jumped right in to love people and make a difference in their own communities! These kids have the power to change the world - and they’re doing it!!! We are so blown away!

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