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How it all began...

How it all began...

   Dan Ohlerking
   June 22, 2022

As we celebrate our 30th year as Children's Cup, we're taking time to look back at our story and how it all began...

When our co-founder, Jean Ohlerking Flower, was just a little girl, her teacher asked her a question that prompted her to dream big for her future and gave her her first “inkling” of God’s calling on her life.

Dave Ohlerking also felt God’s calling on his life at a young age when missionary Victor Plymire gave him an invitation to spread the hope of the Gospel with people around the world. They were just two little kids who dreamed big, said yes to Jesus, and grew up to change worlds! And it’s from their stories that we are seeing thousands more children growing up to do the same and more!
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