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When you were a kid, what were your big dreams for the future?
Did you want to become an astronaut?
Veterinarian? The world's best mom?
Maybe some of your childhood dreams changed over time, but the point is...



What if we told you, you can be part of inspiring big dreams like that in kid’s lives around the world?!

Through our Back to School project, we’ll be able to provide every child in the communities we serve with the school supplies they need to learn and dream big.

When you give $25, your gift will provide one child with a backpack filled with new school supplies, Bible Scriptures, and a message of hope.

Education is an essential part of seeing dreams become reality. And while it may seem simple, for many of the children we care for, having school supplies is a major stepping stone along the way. In fact, in many areas - school supplies are actually required for students to even be allowed to attend school.

That’s why this Back to School project is so important ...and it’s one of the first practical steps in helping kids dream big and have all that they need to see those dreams come to life.

Education is an essential part of seeing dreams become reality. And while it may seem simple, for many of the children we care for, having school supplies is a major stepping stone along the way. In fact, in many areas - school supplies are actually required for students to even be allowed to attend school.

That’s why this Back to School project is so important ...and it’s one of the first practical steps in helping kids dream big and have all that they need to see those dreams come to life.

Ready to inspire dreams and build up the next generation of world changers?