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Crisis Relief

Crisis Relief

Thank you for your part in changing the worlds of so many kids! With your help, we have been providing food and supplies to our CarePoint kids and their homes. As the impact of this crisis continues to develop in our countries, it has also become clear that we have two significant challenges ahead.

  • Food Distribution - As access to food becomes more difficult for families, we have had to increase the amount of food we distribute beyond what we give to the kids that attend the CarePoints, but to their families and other families in those communities.
  • Food Sources - We are blessed with great US partnerships that have provided a source for food that is high quality and also keeps food costs low. But with shutdowns affecting that model, we will soon need to source food locally, which our research and experience show will cost significantly more.

Because of these two factors, we need to raise an additional $150,000.  We are asking you to consider giving towards this Crisis Fund so that we can continue to meet the needs of many thousands of people over the coming months. This fund will also help us respond to needs of our local partners like orphanages, schools, local community leadership, and most of all, local churches and pastors. We simply cannot afford to see these partners not make it through this crisis.
