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Christmas at the CarePoints

Christmas at the CarePoints

Joy to the World, All the Boys and Girls!

For the first time since the pandemic, Christmas Parties at the CarePoints are back! And our team all agrees that “Joy to the World, All the Boys and Girls!” is the perfect theme to celebrate with!

With verses like Luke 2:9-11 (“…But the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town ofDavid a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the LORD.’”) and John 15:11 (“I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.”) as our central focuses, we’re going to build out a joyful experience that the children will never forget!

You see, Christmas at the CarePoint isn’t just your average party. Not only is it big, fun, and magical – but it’s life-changing. These parties provide opportunities for kids to create long-lasting core memories, have a blast celebrating Jesus, and to also be celebrated themselves for all they’ve accomplished in the past year. And most importantly, it’s a chance for children to get to experience the love of Jesus in extra special ways… through games, activities, special treats, talent shows, Bible lessons, gifts, and more – all centered on the inexplicable JOY that Jesus gives us!

At each CarePoint in Mexico, Belize, Honduras, Dominican Republic, eSwatini, and South Africa - for each child to enjoy the full Christmas at the CarePoints experience, it costs $25. And we can’t pull it off without you!

We’d love to invite you to give and be part of lighting up a child’s life with the Joy of Jesus this Christmas!

Our prayer is that every boy and girl will experience the joy that comes from knowing Jesus is with them and that He loves them more than they can possibly imagine. Will you spread some Joy with us?!!
